Wednesday, 30 September 2009


And here's some idea's for the villain... the Vaude-villain!
The whole idea behind this project is to create a freak-world dark and grim like Tim Burton's worlds but funny as pixar's worlds...
I'll update my other sketches as soon as I can

the Sidekick

A hero is not a true hero without his sidekick isn't he? So here's some sketches of the sidekick of my vaudevillian hero.
He's strong, he's powerful and he has the brain of a bird.
Can't think about a name right now...

Vaudeville's freaks

I thought about the hero first... I didn't want him to be too human or too heroic like superman ad other superheroes. I wanted a kind of comedy, shy, clumsy hero in which anyone can identify himself.
I also came up with the name listening to one of my favourites songs from an italian band called "teatro degli orrori" (if you want to ear the song here's the link La canzone di tom ).
So let me introduce you... Tom
(I know it's lame...)